This is a project about collaboration, process, ancestry and shared experience. What began as designing four album covers, evolved into a collaborative work of art spanning 10 Minneapolis-based artists, producers, and musicians. It resulted as a visual installation that follows a collaborative artistic process that crosses disciplines and blurs the lines between musician, subject, photographer, stylist, art director, painter, designer, and producer.

Pictured Above: Moodboards as posters.

Artwork by Michael Cina with Photography by John Klukas
Subjects Zuluzuluu /// Proper T, Greg Grease, MMYYKK, DJ Just Nine, Trelly Mo, ∆RT P∆RTÉ
Styled by Kiara Durham
Produced by Mike Bishop
Subjects Zuluzuluu /// Proper T, Greg Grease, MMYYKK, DJ Just Nine, Trelly Mo, ∆RT P∆RTÉ
Styled by Kiara Durham
Produced by Mike Bishop